The HTTP response test get a false http status (401).ちょっと調べるとサイトにBASIC認証がかかっていると発生してしまうらしい。
36歳既婚男、社内SE、合気道初段。 適当に書いてみます。
The HTTP response test get a false http status (401).ちょっと調べるとサイトにBASIC認証がかかっていると発生してしまうらしい。
use File::Tail; $file = File::Tail->new(name => "test.txt"); while( defined($line = $file->read)) { print "$line"; }ちょっと調べてみると、マニュアルにmaxintervalなるものがある。
maxinterval The maximum number of seconds (real number) that will be spent sleeping. Default is 60, meaning File::Tail
will never spend more than sixty seconds without checking the file.
use File::Tail; $file = File::Tail->new(name => "test.txt", maxinterval => 1, tail => -1) or die("cannot tail test.txt"); while( defined($line = $file->read)) { print "$line"; }ちゃんと動くようになった。
In December 2012, this issue occurred for many people when Microsoft messed up update KB931125 on December 11th 2012 by accidentally applying the root cert update to clients and servers, when it should've only been applied on clients. This added hundreds of 3rd-party root certificates to the trusted root certs list on servers, causing problems like you showed.どうやらMicrosoftがルート認証局の更新を間違って、サーバにも当ててしまったらしい。
Took me long enough to find it, but MS has an article and fix available at KB2801679 "SSL/TLS communication problems after you install KB 931125".The faulty update has since been expired on Windows Update and WSUS, but if you've already applied it, you can clean up the root cert list by running the Fix-it provided in the article on all affected servers.
use Net::Google::PicasaWeb; my $service = Net::Google::PicasaWeb->new; $service->login('YOUR USER ID','YOUR PASSWORD'); my @albums = $service->list_albums(user_id => 'YOUR USER ID'); foreach my $album (@albums) { print "Album ID: ", $album->entry_id, "\n"; mkdir $album->entry_id; my @photos = $album->list_media_entries; foreach my $photo (@photos) { my $media_info = $photo->photo; my $main_photo = $media_info->content; print "Image URL: ", $main_photo->url, "\n"; my $photo_data = $main_photo->fetch; $main_photo->fetch( file => $album->entry_id . "/" . $media_info->title ); } }
require 'rubygems'
version = '1.0.8'
gem 'coderay', version
print Gem.bin_path('coderay', 'coderay', version)
# .bashrc
# Source global definitions
if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then
. /etc/bashrc
# User specific aliases and functions